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AHIS student scores distinguished results at IELTS

By March 16, 2022December 9th, 2024News

It is through dedication that we reach where we should, through commitment that we achieve what we want and through wise vision that we acquire lifelong learning skills.


Success at AHIS is boundless and today we proudly rise to celebrate, to congratulate and to honor our Senior Ahmed Khalid’s fascinating and well-deserved achievement, scoring 1500/1600 point in SAT and a Band score of 8 in IELTS examination.


Ahmed’s scores are as high as his ambitions and as high as AHIS expectations from its students after equipping them with the appropriate skills to be in the summit of remarkable achievements.


Congratulations Ahmed. You made us Proud!


SAT الدولي ودرجة 8 في اختبار IELTS.حقق الطالب أحمد خالد من الصف الثاني الثانوي إنجاز كبير ونجاح باهر حيث سجل مجموع 1500/1600 نقطة في اختبار

نبارك للطالب أحمد النجاح والتفوق، كلنا فخورون بنجاحك وإنجازك.

يضاف نجاح أحمد إلى نجاحات المدرسة الذي يأتي ضمن رؤية ورسالة المدرسة المستمرة لتحقيق أعلى الإنجازات

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