AHIS also awards its students with the Student Honor Roll Certificate for achieving an average above 90% in all core subjects at the end of each semester. In addition, students are granted the Principal Honor Roll Certificate for achieving the highest grade in all core subjects in each grade level. AHIS has always encouraged students and parents to keep the school regular attendance and promptness as number one priority due to its high importance at all levels of schooling and work place.
A primary goal of AHIS is to guide and teach its students the steps of striving for academic excellence.
The school makes every effort to assist students in the achievement of this goal. AHIS motivates and encourages students to keep high standards and grades in order to reach the highest level of their academic excellence; consequently, students are given a number of awards and certificates of achievements.
Student of the Month Certificate is a certificate issued in all subjects on a monthly basis to motivate and encourage students who show improvement or academic excellence in their grade level and is not necessarily given to the highest average among class students.
Accordingly, AHIS awards The Perfect Attendance Certificate to students with no school absence and a high level of promptness; moreover, students with motivation and excellence in different subjects are given Special Certificates such as Sports Award, Arts Awards, and Improvement Awards.