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KG STEM Celebration

By January 22, 2021December 9th, 2024News

KG Students at AHIS enjoyed a lot of exciting Science, Technology, Engineering and Math activities as part of KG STEM celebration that took place during the previous two weeks.  Throughout the celebration various challenges were set including a ‘Rocket Challenge a ‘Marshmallow Challenge and many other ones. KG1 and KG2 students enjoyed also their coding sessions using Bee Bots were they had to use their critical skills as well as their problem solving skills.

The team focus was not on finding the “right” answer, but instead to emphasize the skills children are building while participating, such as creative thinking, problem solving, innovative skills and curiosity.

We’re incredibly proud of what our students presented and produced; all their hard work has paid off and we look forward to seeing them flourish further in our upcoming activities and events.