AHIS Elementary &KG students celebrated diabetes awareness day (blue day) . AHIS celebrates this day annually being a globally celebrated event and an official United Nations (UN) awareness day.
The dress code of the day was blue, students and teachers dressed up in different shades and hues of blue. Our long-life learners also donated 1-BD each.
Blue; a soothing, relaxing, classy, exquisite color, Soldiers chose to wear this color. Soldiers working in hospitals. Soldiers called nurses. These vigilant and selfless individuals who chose a carrier that changes people’s life, helping them carry on despite the diseases and sicknesses that keep on cornering the human existence. Little did these diseases know that some humans were born with superpowers who can defeat and defibrillate that weaker circle of the society into life again.
AHIS community wears blue today, for people who help you stand anew, even if it’s a small .. flu.