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Tips for Parents – Education in Bahrain

By October 7, 2022December 9th, 2024Blog

We have now entered that period of ritual preparation for school. Uniform sizing, school supplies, information about your child’s new teacher, and purchasing classroom supplies for the community are just a few of the things to do on your back-to-school prep list.

But what about your child’s physical preparation for school education in Bahrain? is it on your list? It should be. Below are some important tips to help your child get off to a great start this school year.

Proper Sleep Hygiene

Proper sleep hygiene is important for everyone, whether a child or an adult, to function at their best. Sleep hygiene refers to certain behaviors related to sleep habits. Cognitive sleep therapy is an emerging field as modern lifestyles lead to poor sleep habits in adults and children alike. Sleep is your brain’s time to process the day’s learning, literally draining useless information when making new connections. Below are some suggestions for ensuring a good night’s sleep and maximizing your learning in education in Bahrain.

  • Refrain from using computers and telephones 2 hours before bedtime
  • Avoid caffeine 8 hours before bed
  • Don’t eat large meals before bed
  • No televisions or electronics in bedrooms
  • Keep your bedroom cool and dark
  • No naps allowed
  • Exercise during the day
  • Set the same sleep and wake times 7 days a week


The list and reasoning continue. During the summer holidays, many of the habits for a good night’s sleep are naturally relaxing. Therefore, it is advisable to start improving or adjusting a few weeks before school starts.

Correct Nutrition

This is another area where summers make it easy to stray from good eating habits.It is well documented that proper nutrition leads to better academic performance. After all, how can you stay focused on your studies when you’re hungry? Fortunately, many schools with education in Bahrain provide students with breakfast and offer free or discounted lunches. However, sometimes I skip breakfast due to staying up late or my child’s unavoidable circumstances.

Reduce Sugar Intake

Excessive sugar intake is linked to problems such as heart disease and diabetes. Sugar also causes blood levels in children to rise and then fall, causing a drop in energy. Examples of areas where added sugar can hide are milk, juices, sodas, canned foods, prepared foods, and yogurt. Please be sure to check the label when shopping. Not adding sugar prevents children from feeling tired all the time, which can negatively affect their ability to concentrate on education in Bahrain.

Eat Whole Food

Foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats and proteins, and whole wheat-based grains are usually good for your child’s overall health and energy levels. takes time to emit. It also makes you feel fuller, which helps you avoid the urge to snack between meals or overdo certain meals. Feeling full and having the energy to get through her day at school will help your child get the most out of their school experience and education in Bahrain. It can take years to learn and conquer healthy eating itself. The good news is, as a parent, you have complete control over what’s in your closet and where it’s coming from.


You might have guessed this is on the list! The earlier children start exercising and enjoy it, the more likely it is that the habit will last a lifetime. Also, combined with good sleep and a healthy diet, exercise is the best way to build stamina, boost mental health, and improve overall health. It has many positive benefits for children such as improved mood and positive mood. The child’s recommended exercise time per day for her is 60 minutes for her. That doesn’t mean those 60 minutes have to come at once. Your child can spend 10 minutes cleaning her, 20 minutes running outside, and 30 minutes playing basketball with her friends throughout the day. The main thing is that the child moves. Depending on your child’s age, the type of weight-bearing activity will be affected. You can train them until they can carry on a conversation, but if it’s not perfectly easy, you have the right intensity. Thus fitness and education in Bahrain go hand in hand. Here are some exercise ideas:

Here are some exercise ideas:

  • swimming
  • go cycling
  • Go for a walk
  • play in the park
  • climbing stairs
  • Participate in organized sports
  • Play tag with your friends

Find out how to keep your child active. That way, when she has to get through her day at school, she’ll have the help of the right amount of tenacity and positive feelings about herself that only exercise can provide. Improving sleep, diet, or exercise alone will not fully prepare your child mentally and physically for the school year. Everything should work in sync and stay in top shape for the trials and tribulations ahead in education in Bahrain. With a little lead time to kick-start or fine-tune their habits, and parental guidance and support, your child can start running and race to a great school year!

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