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AHIS Green Pot Company is awarded INJAZ best product of the year

By July 9, 2021December 9th, 2024News

High school students of Al Hekma International School participated in the company program organized by Injaz. Thirty-three High School and University teams participated out of which eighteen teams qualified for the finals. AHIS Green Pot Company is awarded the best product of the year.

Green pot product prevents overwatering plant roots and withering of plants while still aligning with SDG. The product helps reduce water wastage and is made of ABC plastics an environmentally friendly plastic that can be easily recycled. Students in AHIS are always motivated to actively participate in extracurricular activities.

This activity focused on 21st-century skills like entrepreneurship, collaboration, and critical thinking. Students have worked really hard on this project for the past six months. Once again AHIS students did exceptional work in exceptional circumstances.
Excellent Work Team Green Pot.

We are so proud of you!

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